3RFS is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, founded in 1988, serving the folk community near the confluence of the Yakima, Snake and Columbia rivers in SE Washington state (map)

We present concerts, coffeehouses, contra dances, song circles, and the annual Tumbleweed Music Festival (In its 28th year in 2024.)

Shanghaied on the Willamette Michael Carlos Band Bram Brata
Performers at Tumbleweed Music Festivals

Many more events headed your way:

Coming Next in 2024:

(See Concert, Coffeehouse, Song Circle, or Tumbleweed pages for details)

    The 28th Annual Tumbleweed Music Festival!

    Tumbleweed Music Festival 2024 poster.

    The 2024 Tumbleweed Music Festival will be held, as always, on Labor Day weekend (August 30th - September 1st) in Howard Amon Park in Richland, Washington.

    We’re heartbroken that a personal matter has caused long-time Tumbleweed family members and favorites William Pint and Felicia Dale, to have to bow out of
    being our final headliner this year. They have our thoughts and hopes with them. Replacing them are Tumbleweed newcomers Gather Round. A new fixture in
    Seattle's blooming a cappella scene, Gather Round pairs deeply-rooted folk sensibilities with mouth-watering vocal talent. Performing a rich blend of
    originals and covers, this eight-part choral ensemble has harmonies in all the right places. Attendance is advised and participation is encouraged!

    September's Coffeehouse features Maddysen Hope.

    Maddysen Hope
    Friday, September 13, 7:30 PM All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 1322 Kimball Ave., Richland, WA (Please use the back parking lot, and enter through the rear door.) Tickets $10 / $8 3RFS members at the door. Open mic 7:00pm, Maddysen Hope at ~7:30pm.
    Maddysen Hope at the 3RFS Coffeehouse
    Three Rivers Folklife Society presents the September Coffeehouse: Friday, September 13th at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 1322 Kimball Ave., Richland, WA. Open mic at 7, Maddysen Hope at about 7:30. Tickets at the door: $10 / $8 3RFS Members. https://3rfs.org/coffee.htm for more information.
    Maddysen Hope is a 16-year-old singer-songwriter from Benton City, Washington. She writes and performs indie/pop music. She has been playing guitar and writing songs since age 12.
    She has released 3 songs so far and is working on her 4th.
    She has started to perform this summer and has performed at a number of Community events.
    It is her dream to share her music as much as possible with the world and leave a positive impact.

    September's concert features

    John Sparrow!

    John Sparrow!

    John (JW) Sparrow is a well known and well respected Pacific Northwest songwriter who has been writing original songs since he was about 8 years old. His father was a preacher in rural Oklahoma so he was exposed to a lot of hymns and gospel music at an early age, but his mother listened to Elvis and Tony Bennet and Louis Armstrong so he had broad musical taste. He got a guitar at a young age, but traded it for a BB gun when he was 10. He wasn't that much in to rock and roll when he was a teenager and preferred Hank Williams and non-commercial country music, and found 60s folk music sort of boring with just three chords. He re-started writing his own songs in his 20s. He traveled around the country playing for any folks who wanted to listen , and eventually ended up in the Pacific Northwest where he found a home in Ashford and then Eatonville, both at the foot of Mount Rainier. JW has been a popular performer at Tumbleweed Music Festival. Sometimes he applies and sometimes he just shows up. He has been a finalist in the Jane Titland Memorial Song Contest several times, including this year, and he appreciates the challenge of writing to a theme and coming up with a new song each time.

    Tickets are $20.00 for Non-members, $15.00 for 3RFS members, and are available at the door or HERE. Enter All Saints Episcopal Church from the door by the back parking lot.

    The 2024 Tumbleweed Festival: August 30 - September 1, 2024.    

    The chosen theme for 2024 is "By Water, Under Trees."

    See links on the Tumbleweed Fest Website RIGHT HERE!

    It is with great sadness that Three Rivers Folklife Society notes the passing of a very long-time 3RFS member, Alan Gibbs.

    Alan and his wife Judi started the 3rfs.org website in 1995. In this time of straight HTML, they figured out how to put sound clips online, and posted some of the earliest ones.

    Alan subsequently maintained and developed the 3rfs.org website by himself until May 2023, when a serious medical condition suddenly sidelined him.

    Alan was born in 1939, and died January 11, 2024.

    He was a valued and valuable member of our organization, and put in excellent work to promote the organization and our aims.

    Our thoughts are with his family and friends now. Thank you, Alan, for everything.